Hello I use meditations, affirmations, binaural beats, Isochronic tones, ive used and bought them all!!!
To be honest I assumed this app came with multiple meditation choices, when I saw it only came with one I was thought I wasted my money,
BUT this one and simplest lightest meditation is somehow the only guided meditation Ive EVER used that actually makes me feel super refreshed and free and focused and calm and energized all at once when completing!
I always give very detailed apps that leave the reader fully assured of wether or not its for them, but with this one all I can say is you have to try it!
The voice and music blend perfectly and it just works. For all the expensive and in depth guided meditations ive tried that make you visualize this or that, this is oppositte! Ive realized those ones dont work because you have to use your energy following along what it asks you to do, this one doesnt ASK you to think or imagine anything it just guides you to "simply be" and thats were the magic is!
The only analogy I can think of is I suppose listening to it makes you feel safe and warm and release all your worries as if a child would feel wrapped in their mothers arms.
©By the tried and truest app reviewer! Only detailed and rare reviews so when I give one you can be sure its worth it!
Lillyalice about Meditation Oasis: Simply Being, v6.0